We Grow our cannabis organically, in real living soil



Historically, indoor cannabis has been grown in a soil-less growing medium and is fed with bottled nutrients. It’s sometimes not even clear what ingredients are in these bottles or if they’re safe to consume.

What is living soil?

“Living soil” means that our growing medium has an active colony of microbes, fungi, bugs, and worms, just like soil does in nature. To be technically accurate, it’s a “biologically active soil-less media'“, that has an ecosystem that closely resembles those in soil found outdoors. The active biology converts the inert nutrients and organic matter into plant-available compounds. So rather than being fed on a schedule, our plants grow in a 24/7 buffet of plant nutrient goodness, and can uptake whatever they need, whenever they need it! So luxurious :)

Not only does this approach produce a more flavorful and delicious product, but it’s also safer and less wasteful.

Growing in living soil isn’t easy, but we believe that in the legal cannabis market customers deserve to have transparency into their product. When you buy cannabis from MCC, you can always feel 100% confident about what you’re getting.


We grow our cannabis in giant indoor beds that hold about 180 gallons of living soil each, and weigh around 1500 lbs. Growing this way benefits the plants because they have access to more nutrients and more space for their roots to spread out, and because the shared root zone allows the plants to collaborate! Isn’t nature cool?

The living soil in the beds is re-amended between runs and reused over and over again.

If you have any questions about our growing method, or just want to geek out on this topic some more, please feel free to contact us. Don’t be shy, we’re friendly :)